of me
2006-03-17 ~ 9:02 p.m.

how old do you feel?:Most days - 30 something. Today ~ 40 ish
where were you on september 11th, 2001?:At work in Alexandria Louisiana
what do you believe is the meaning of life?:To leave the world better than it was when I got here. Do no harm. Justice is.
why is the sky blue?:The Fae in charge of what we call sky were impressed with robin's eggs
what is your favorite thing to cook?:My preference is to bake - breads and pastries. Cooking? Maybe rich stews/soups.
you have only a dollar to your name...what do you buy?:Coffee
what would your last meal be?:A perfect pot of coffee. A ripe Pear. A perfect Nectarine. Fresh Bread. Cheese. A bottle of Gamay Rouge.
what is the youngest age you have memories of?:clear memory - 3.
what is your favorite thing in the world?:Excluding certain people ~ my 'good' memories
what is your most missed memory?:Time with my mom
have you ever punched someone on purpose?:Not that I recall
do you know what color chartreuse is close to?:Yes. It's a blend of yellow and green
did you like garbage pail kids?:I'm a little bit old for gpk. My kids had them though
why do we have daylight savings time?:To conserve energy, primarily
what living person would you want to meet?:The Dali Lama
what dead person?:That's a tough one. Abraham Lincoln. The great Prophets ~ Bhagavan Krishna, Moses, Buddha, Jesus and Mohammed. I think that is in order of birth.
where in the world would you live if you could?:near the ocean... near a wooded area...
who is your favorite artist?:Linzer, Parkes, Royo, Amy Brown....
who has had the most influence on you (good or bad)?:Wow. Ultimately I suppose, my mother.
what is your favorite dessert?:I can't even answer this one.
what age is your favorite so far in your life?:37 was *really* good
can you make cookies from scratch?:Oh, yes.
was the chicken first or the egg?:egg
hershey or nestle?:Hershey
night out or night in?:Right now? night in.
single forever with a great family or no family and your soulmate?:My soulmate is a long way off... Single forever.
what is your favorite scented candle?:Yankee candle. Too many scents to mention
do you ever wear a wife beater?:Yes
if you could live in a store which one would it be?:Williams Sonoma.
can you eat a dozen donuts in one sitting:No.
what is your favorite curse word?:Fuck
your favorite regular word?:Periwinkle
have you ever read/tried to read the bible?:Yes
who do you dislike most in the world?:I don't know. It's not something I think about.
what is your ideal date?:Dinner and conversation.
would you rather marry a deaf or blind person?:I have been married to a deaf person. Either way... if you love the person you are with - blind or deaf would not be an issue anyway.
what is your favorite shape?:Heh. Round-ish.
can you eat just one chip?:Not generally.
where is the farthest you've ever been from home?:I'll get back to you when I figure out where home is.
what is your desktop background?:A really great picture of Lilly. She took it of herself.
what song do you identify with most?:The Space Between. DMB.
which movie do you wish was your life?:Hmm...
has someone ever intentionally put food on you?:Yes
what color is your favorite?:Periwinkle
what color do you feel represents you?:grey
do you believe in God?:Yes. In many forms.
have you ever broken a bone?:Yes.
have you ever shut someone's fingers in a door?:Yes. Still feel bad.
what is the weirdest thing you have ever eaten and hated?:Weird? *shrug* I am no fan of organ meats.
what is the weirdest thing you have ever eaten and liked?:again... Weird? I'm unsure of what to consider weird.
what is your ideal ice cream creation?:Oh... coffee and sweet cream. If you can figure out how to give me peach with it. I am tickled.
if you could marry someone from a movie (the character not actor) then who?:No clue.
what is your favorite thing to do?:Listen to other peoples personal stories. Coaxing the stories out with questions.. "Tell me a story about... "
what is your favorite junk food?:Pringles. Or snack cakes
what is the longest you've gone without talking to anyone?:Wow! 3 weeks I think.
what is your favorite board game?:Monopoly
your favorite book?:Can't pick just one... The Discworld Series. T. Pratchett
what movie could you watch over and over again?:You've got Mail.
do you know how to change a tire?:yes
have you ever eaten paste?:Of course.
what is your ideal halloween costume?:A simple wizard/enchatress costume.
what toy have you always wanted and never gotten?:I don't know.
what item could you not go without during the day?:Oh.. coffee.
do you consider yourself a smart person?:Yes.
who was your first crush?:Father Michael.
who was your first love ?:The first time I felt complete with someone? She of frogs & fressia. The Muse who brought my words back... and took them with her.
do you close your eyes when you listen to music?:Sometimes
how old were you when life was the hardest?:That's a coin toss. Either.. 12 or 38 (ish)
do you eat the burnt chips?:yes
do you still have your baby blanket?:no. I lost a lot of things when my uncle kept all of my grandmother's things.
is there anything you HAVE to do everyday?:Breath. Tell Lilly I love her.
do you curse in front of family?:Yes.
what is your favorite tv show ever?:Survivor.. CSI...
if you had to get back with and ex who would it be?:*laughs* Yeah.
when was the last time you felt truly loved by someone?:beyond my family? Too long. About 8 years. And sometimes I question that...
what character trait would you change about yourself?:My sadness.
3 wishes... go (no world peace. things that are possible)::That we had enough money to be comfortable (no worries). That I had a job that I loved and that loved me. That my children find their 'place' in this world.
have you ever passed out?:Yes
have you ever slapped yourself in the face?:Yes
have you been in a car accident?:Yes
favorite line from a song?:Gravedigger, when you dig my grave... make it shallow, so that I can feel the rain.
favorite line from a movie?:"She could be anywhere"
what do you do when the power goes out?:Look for and light a candle.
who do people say you look like?:No one in particular
favorite holiday?:Christmas
if you could be doing anything at all right now, what would it be?:Sleeping, I think.
if you could know how, when and where you will die, would you want to know?:Nah... I'll get there when I get there.
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