Of ranting about time
2005-05-29 ~ 8:23 a.m.

I was supposed to be off this weekend. Yesterday went by quickly... it was busy. People are either very nice... understanding if there is a problem... or they are unresonable. It must be in the air, or the water.

It frustrating when I am doing what I can to fix whatever the problem is, and the person I am trying to help melts down and begins getting verbally abusive. That can be anything from telling me how incompetent they think I am to how much they hate me and the place I work. Sometimes I just want to ask where they work, so that I can go where they spend more time than they get to spend with thier families, and treat them the same way they treat us.

[end of work rant]

I was supposed to be off this weekend... I had a long list of things to do at home. A friend of mine is flying in this week to go to a graduation. My house is not ready for company. The window of time to get ready for that company is disappearing fast. I do get to leave a little early Wednesday... There is a program at Lilly's school.

I need to borrow the cleaning elves/faeries/angels/gnomes... someone..
and if they could pack somethings up, that would be wonderful.

Too much to do... too little time.

Tis time for me to leave for work.

Safe travels