Of Holidays
2004-12-02 ~ 8:07 a.m.

For a while, I was on my own again after many years of being married. Celebrating Chrstmas with the children and our families. Then it was just me. Over time, new friends have come into my life and grandchildren have become part of the mix, One of which I am now raising.

I have spent a few holidays with little more than my own company.

As I search for the 'right' gifts for the people I care about... I have thought about where my life has been... where it may be going. I can't yet do all that I wish I could for everyone that I want to.

I have a crew at work that I want to thank for all of their hard work... I haven't yet sorted out the best way to do that. Hopefully, I figure it out soon

Whatever your beliefs, I wish for you all that you wish for yourself.

Bright blessings & Safe Travels