Of Love
2004-06-04 ~ 9:53 a.m.

Two entries in a week... shocked? I know I am.

A friend of mine sent me an email. I know, I know... you�re saying to yourself... �Oh, really?� Not a remarkable thing in and of itself... Stay with me...

The email was a simple, yet heartfelt thank you.

You see, she is very much in love with a very kind man. He happens to be a friend of mine, too. Perhaps I have some bias. Anyway... They are in love. This is very apparent when you see her smile at him. It�s that comfortable, safe, wonderful love.

She thinks about things to celebrate the time they have together... to honor the anniversaries...She thinks about what to do for the anniversary of their time together. Things that have meaning to him. Anniversaries like the death of his mother... His heart was broken when his mom died. She knows that it�s still very hard for him. She comforts him ~ quietly. Sometimes even before he realizes that he needs her there. It�s important to her.

It�s very easy to see that he loves her too. He pays attention to the details ~ what kind of top she likes on her coffee at work in the morning... what colors look best on her... That she is wearing a new sweater.... When her periods are (Yes, ladies.. He even picks up the Therma patch thingies to help her cramps...) He remembers. It�s important to him.

So, you�re thinking this couple must be together! Not in a traditional sense. They started out as friends (as is often the case), and in the course of Time, found they had a lot in common. They�ve been dancing this dance for just over a year now. The non-traditional aspects of their relationship can create hardships. When I can, I try to smooth over some of the rough edges of the non-traditional... in non-traditional kinds of ways. For the two readers who know me, this isn�t shocking. >grin<

Back to the email of thanks ~ I wanted to reply:

My dear friend, I honor your love for one another. I wish you all that you hope for in the deepest secret places of your heart. It is not mine to �judge� right or wrong. It is more than apparent that you love each other. I revel in that. I even envy you. If I can help smooth the edges over... all you need do is ask. I wish you a long and happy life together.

With much love, your friend

The non traditional aspects, keep that email here.

I know another couple who are soul mates without question. I love watching them interact. It�s like a dance. All the things I said about attentive partners above? With this wonderful couple, that is aged to an even finer wine. They are seamless. They happen to be living a more traditional life.

Not that living a more traditional life makes that kind of relationship possible. Everyone knows couples who are functioning in traditional relationships that really need to be apart ~ for the sake of each other and in some cases their children and families.

Oddly enough, the first couple is 10+ years older than the second one. Love is funny like that... She and Time have a go with us. We can�t hurry either of them.

For the moment, revel in the joy of love and promise. Even if it�s missing from your life right now ~ just as it is missing in mine. It�s out there. Sometimes in unexpected places.

Safe Travels