Wonderings & whine
2004-04-02 ~ 9:03 p.m.

Have you ever spent time with someone you thought... just thought... that maybe it could be more? Whatever more may be...

I would really like the pain level in my back to level out... or simply go back to zero. It gets unmanageable. It makes me intolerable. It makes me less patient with the back of Daniel's head. I need him to help Lilly clean up her toys before I have to. I need him to make sure she gets her nap ealier, and eats dinner earlier. I need for him to let me have time on the computer... and not at 4am.. when I am trying to get ready for work and there just isn't enough time to really play and catch up.

I'm grumpy. I'm going to lunch tomorrow with a friend. I hope that it's a long and pleasant lunch, filled with talk and laughter.