I cannot fly... or a story of Ice
2004-02-05 ~ 11:50 a.m.

I cannot fly.

I confirmed this bit of information yesterday morning at about 4:45am. I did this by stepping out of my front door, being a dedicated employee.. I was on my way to work. I had to open the store.

My steps... the ones at the front door... the ones that from the door had the deceptive look of being wet from the melting snow, etc.... were in fact a trap. They were neatly coated in a layer of ice. Ice that I fell/slid/melted down to the concrete walk were I laid/writhed/whimpered for a few moments.

Dedicated employee that I am - I went to work. I stayed because I had scheduled a meeting at 2pm for 20 of my direct reports - to start the process of their annual reviews.

It would have been rude of me to not be there.

I can't exactly walk. So, I am going to be a mature adult and go to the walk in clinic. No pun intended... It should be the hobble in clinic though.

Safe travels...