Coffee & the Amazing Dani
2003-12-20 ~ 8:45 a.m.

Bright Blessings

Thursday I was about to come in there and write in some very dramatic fashion that I was out of coffee. I had to go to work, so I was saving the drama for when I got back home. I asked Daniel to call me at about 11pm to remind me to pick up coffee before I came home. (Some days at work are very long... and all I think about at the end of them is coming home.)

Daniel called late in the afternoon to tell me there was a package for me. The UPS guy has been here a lot. I have friends who are using my house as Santa Central ~ What better place to have your loved ones presents delivered than someone elses house... After determining there was no other indication as to who the actual owner of said package should be ~ I told him to open it and we'd apologize to anyone who may actually be the owner of said package.

Daniel opens the box and what I hear is "How does she do it? This is the third time she has sent you coffee the DAY you run out. You have 4 pounds of coffee, Mom."

Dani... if you read this... you are becoming legendary. Thanks for the coffee. Daniel said there was something else in there... but he put it away for Christmas.

I am on VACATION. I am not going in to work this week. Nope. I have a stack of books to read... packages to wrap for Daniel and Lilly... cookies and pies to bake... Play Neopets... I am having lunch with a couple of friends through the week and dinner at my house for a few friends... and of course.. Christmas.

I think that Lilly will have a blast this year. Daniel is getting things he hasn't even imagined he could get... (thanks Hollie)

All in all... a fine December... it's been too long since we had one of those...

Safe Travels & Bright blessings

Oh.. & in case you too wish to have some mindless fun...