Christmas and a bit of majick
2003-12-18 ~ 1:21 a.m.


It's been almost a week since I wrote here... A lot has happened in that time. An Angel flew past... which has allowed me to do some shopping for Christmas. I was even able to go to the store and get what I needed to bake gifts. This makes me happy.

I start my vacation in 2 days. Yes... 2 days. I really can't wait. I need the mental health break. I intend to read and play online... This also makes me happy.

I was able to pick up gift certificates for Hollie and Daniel... they can go to the movies. I know they both want to see Lord of the Rings. So.. they are ~ Sunday. I hope they have a blast. Hollie was able to find something I have been looking for. Daniel will at least have something for Christmas I know he wanted. Lilly has more stuff than she really needs. She is so excited about the lights and the tree.

I hope with all my heart that the people I care about have a Christmas filled with majick.

I am off to check on the pecan pies in the oven... and then decide what time I need to get up to make cheesecake tomorrow.

Bright blessings & Safe travels.