Medical care... or lack thereof
2003-11-12 ~ 6:12 p.m.

Ah... coffee.

Hello travelers.

I have spent the last 6 days in serious pain. I am not sure what I have done to my back... but it is protesting loudly. This makes me a bit testy... less tolerant of things that ordinarily I can handle with little thought.

I hurt.

A trip to the E.R. Saturday afternoon... most of that afternoon... left me with a diagnosis of (are you ready...?)

Back pain.

Shocking diagnosis. One I wish I could tell the insurance company NOT to pay. I spent 3 hours sitting in.. well, sort of sitting, in uncomfortable chairs. (Because if one of them is uncomfortable, another one must be somehow more comfortable.. or not.)

The doctor spent less than 5 minutes with me. No tests.... why would you run silly tests?? What is it you do then?

(Insert music from Jeopardy)

You write prescriptions, which the nurse actually delivers to me... and that is the end of our little visit.

As far as medical care goes... It didn't meet my expectations.

So... as I type away here... the pain meds slowly dissapate... I think I'll finish this cup of coffee... and ponder the state of health care.

Safe Travels