Of Penguins, Bears & Dragons....
2003-09-12 ~ 2:09 a.m.

I need to rant about my daughter, Sara. I am too tired to rant... or yell... or scream. For that matter, I am too tired to cry about it anymore.

I prefer to think about Penguins and other navigators for Jay's car. I have at various times had interesting driving companions. My most recent being a very cute ladybug. She is riding above the rear view mirror. Previous occupants of the co-pilot spot? A wee stuffed penguin (See Jay, I know of what I speak...), A Teddy Bear whose name was Tuff Teddy, A Dragon, who had devoured a knight, a frog... 3 of these devoted assistants travelled with me simultaneously. Everyone had a job of their own, so no one felt left out.

With those three, Tuff Teddy, Penguin and The Dragon... I travelled over 15000 miles back and forth across country moving my family from Arizona to Alabama. Most of the time I was alone, except for them. They kept me company... they kept me safe and mostly sane.

I think I would like to find a fish. A clown fish, to go with Ms. Ladybug.

It's time for me to sleep. My head is full & I am weary.

Safe travels