Hugs sweet & heartfelt
2003-08-05 ~ 10:17 p.m.

While I was waiting an interminable amount of time this evening while one of our best associates handled our, erhm.. most challenging, yeah.. challenging customers. I walked to the back to talk to my right hand Lady, Chrissy ~ one of the LP's was standing behind her while she was working on something and I stuck my head under his arm as he leaned against the door... and got a sweet hug.

Silly, I suppose to miss just being

close to another person.

That said...

Every once in a while there is a reminder...

There are some very wonderful people in my life. I feel very isolated most of the time, and I realize that is of my own choosing. Still... there are those who wander in quietly and become friends.

One of those people sent an email my way this morning, sharing something he had written. The nicest part of it was that it was a gentle hug. One from the heart

Dear friend... thank you.

Wandering thoughts...

Safe travels