The List
2003-07-27 ~ 11:46 a.m.

The List:

Daniel - Son. He lives here... not "with me" because we share ownership of the house.

Lilly - Granddaughter... aka Lillybean, lives with us. Daughter of my youngest child, Sara.


Chrissy - I can say anything to Chrissy... and she isn't offended... and she doesn't take it personally. She makes what I have to do at work easier. (She isn't the only one.. she's just the one I work the closest with)

Dani- A dear friend from my previous home. Dani is special. She sends coffee and notes.. Just knowing she is out there...

Hollie - We like Hollie. Lilly adores her. I always feel like we are on the edge of a discussion. You know.. the I know you would understand this line of thought kind of discussion...

Jay - reminds me of someone very dear to me. I really like Jay as a person. I read what he had to say about his wife, Liz... and I appreciate him even more. And Jay...if you read this.. I really am cool enough to pull it off >grin<

Liz - How cool it is to have a friend who hugs me and says I love you... and tells me that I am doing a great job when the day seems to be never ending. She has made some dark days lighter. I doubt she really knows how much I appreciate that.

Tammy - A long time friend. Special friend. She let me help her over the wall. She plants flowers and dances outside of the castle now. I love it.

I'll add to this as time passes...